Extend Your Business Stay in Australia – Know Visa Extension Rules

So your business visa in Australia is about to end, and you are yet to get over with your business compulsions. So the only way you can extend your stay in Straya is by extending your business visa.

How can things be started?

When it comes to getting a visa extension in Australia, there are quite a few paraphernalia to comply with. Holders of 457 Independent Executive Visa in Australia, are eligible to apply for an extension of business visa. It is also termed as Temporary Business Entry Visa to Australia.

This visa is designed initially to recognize the fact that an increasing number of people with Independent Executive Visa in Australia are facing problems when their visas expire, with their business compulsions still remaining unfulfilled.

One very effective way of extending your business stay in Australia is applying for permanent residence. This clause helps holders of Business Visa for staying in Melbourne to apply for permanent residence under the following categories:

  • Established Business in Australia or EBA
  • Regional Established Business Australia (REBA), and/or
  • State or Territory Sponsored Business Owner (residence) Category

This is a 457IE FAO category visa, which has a 2-year multiple entry term. It allows the holders of this visa to stay back in Australia, and continue with their business activities as a principal owner of the business or an entrepreneur.

So if you are planning to extend your stay, this is the best option for you. If you have got a family, then your spouse will have to apply for the same visa as well as a principal applicant independently.

Eligibility for 457IE FAO visa

To be eligible for this visa, you need to fulfil the following criteria:

Time of Business: You need to have completed at least 15 months of business in Australia. In case you have conducted business for less than 15 months, you must show that you have received an endorsement as a business beneficiary from the State or Territory Government agency for business development.
  • Besides, the business activities must be beneficial to the Australian economy, and you must have an ownership interest.
  • Other criteria involve your management role in the business, your background, your net assets and you need to show a valid reason to be a temporary resident of Australia.


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