All You Need To Know About A Prospective Marriage Visa

A prospective marriage visa is a temporary 9 months visa that allows you to visit Australia to marry your partner who lives in Australia. So, make sure that you take the fullest advantage of this visa. A prospective marriage visa in Sydney is a special consideration by the government. It gives you the liberty to reunite with the love of your life. When you're going to marry in a foreign country, you should know all the legal complications. Otherwise, there would be bigger trouble. Let's check out all the ABCs about a prospective marriage visa.

Primary requirements

The primary requirement is that the visa applicant must be at least 18 years of age and they have to have an approved sponsor. The sponsor must be the person whom they're going to marry.

There are some requirements for the sponsor as well. They have to be 18 years or above that. The sponsor can be an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen, meet character requirements and not be subject to sponsor requirements and not be subject to sponsorship limitations. The sponsor and applicant must also provide evidence that they are planning to get married after the applicant enters Australia and that nothing is preventing either of them from entering into marriage with one another.

Is this the same as the finance visa?

The subclass 300 prospective marriage visa is often referred to as the "fiance visa". This is because an applicant is required to be engaged to their sponsor or have an intention to marry their sponsor, to apply for the visa. The sole purpose of this visa is to enable the applicant to travel to Australia to marry their sponsor. So, they should provide enough evidence that says that they're marrying each other and met in person earlier.

What this visa allows the holder to do?

Once granted the prospective marriage visa is valid for 9 months. It permits multiple travels in and out of Australia as well as allows the applicant to work and study in Australia during the validity of the visa. The applicant and the sponsor must get married before the visa expires. When the applicant and sponsor intend to live in Australia after marriage, the applicant should apply for the onshore partner visa before the protective marriage visa expires.

These are some fundamental factors to consider when it comes to prospective marriage visa assistance in Sydney. When all these criteria are matched, you qualify as an eligible candidate for a prospective marriage visa.


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